Admin only module
- Default command:
!d admin {command}
- Alias:
!d a {command}
Commands | Description | Example |
prefix {NewPrefix} | Change prefix of the bot(!d ) | !d a prefix $ |
Here | Display current server infos | |
Default {Role} | Setup the default role given when a new user joins | !d a Default Membre |
RemoveDefault {Role} | Remove the default role | !d a RemoveDefault Membe |
Vote {Message} | Start a user-poll | !d a vote For or against activating caneton ? |
AddEmote {Name} {Picture link/attachement} | Create a new emote for the user | !d a AddEmote DuckHi |
RemoveEmote {Name} | Remove the emote with {Name} | !d a RemoveEmote DuckHi |
ToggleCaneton | Toggle the spawn of caneton in the chan | |
IsToggled | Return either Yes or No if caneton is toggled on the current channel | |
Del {nbMessage} | Delete {nbMessage} Messages | !d a Del 50 |
Kick {User} [Reason] | Kick the {user} with a [Reason] | !d a Kick @MetalMallard |
Ban {User} [Reason] | Ban the {user} with a [Reason] | !d a Ban @MetalMallard Spam |
AddAutoBan {UserId} | Add an id to the AutoBan module which will ban the user if he try to join. | !d a AddAutoBan 2568XXXXXXX |
RemoveAutoBan {UserId} | Remove user from the AutoBan module | !d a RemoveAutoBan 3685XXXXXXXXX |
AddMutedRole {Role(Id/Name/Mention)} | Add muted role to let the bot mute for you | |
Mute {User(Id/Name/Mention)} | Mute the user | !d a Mute @MetalMallard |
Demute {User(Id/Name/Mention)} | DeMute the user | !d a Demute @MetalMallard |
AddLog | Setup this channel as the log channel | !d a AddLog [Channel] |
RemoveLog | Remove the log channel | !d a RemoveLog [Channel] |
Purge {(d/h/m/s)Time} | Purge all user that joined in a given time | !d a Purge d1 h1 s6(1 day 1 hour and 6 seconds) |